fair play

just and honorable treatment, action, or conduct:
The political campaign was notably lacking in fair play.
Examples from the web for fair play
  • If you expect equal pay for equal work, you're not the only species to have a sense of fair play.
  • Dealing directly with pirates builds a reputation for fair play and decreases the chance of mishaps.
  • It might take some experimenting and it will have its fair share of problems, but fair play to them for trying.
  • The amateur ideal was a restraining code that emphasized fair play and honor.
  • Also, the sense of fair play may be lacking when the difference is whether you can feed your family.
  • Equality and fair play are central values in our national life.
British Dictionary definitions for fair play

fair play

an established standard of decency, honesty, etc
abidance by this standard
Idioms and Phrases with fair play

fair play

Conformity to established rules; upright conduct and equitable conditions. For example, The coach insists on fair play. Shakespeare used this idiom in King John (5:2): “According to the fair play of the world, let me have audience.” [ Late 1500s ]